About Us

My Journey from Curiosity to Creation
Once upon a time, in 2010 to be exact, a young and keen dog enthusiast embarked on a journey that would define her life’s passion and purpose. That enthusiast was me. As a dog owner, I grappled with the challenges that came with having two family dogs with behavioural issues. Their quirks and unique behaviours sparked an insatiable curiosity in me. Why did they act the way they did? Could I understand them better?
Always having an affinity for animals, I had already been nurturing my academic interest in animal behaviour since 2007. With diplomas under my belt, I took the plunge into the dynamic world of dog training, joining a renowned local dog training centre. As I honed my skills and knowledge, I also had the privilege of working alongside some of the best trainers in Surrey. My thirst for knowledge didn’t end there; I pursued a degree in Animal Behaviour and Welfare, further solidifying my foundation.

By 2017, after a long road of study and hands-on experience, I ventured out, launching my own business. My accolades grew as I achieved the status of an accredited dog trainer. But as the saying goes, life’s best teachers are often our own experiences. Enter Steve and Dave, my rescue spaniels, and later, two wonderful foster dogs that I had the joy of nurturing. Steve, especially, proved to be my most challenging puzzle. Reactivity issues towards other dogs left me feeling frustrated and desperate. Despite my expansive knowledge, the conventional force-free methods, including counter-conditioning and desensitisation, fell short.
Determined to find a solution, I broadened my horizons. I delved into the wisdom of holistic behaviourists and engaged with unconventional canine experts. My quest led me to question, research, and re-learn many concepts I once held true. The amalgamation of this new knowledge, my own experiences, and the persistent need for an effective approach culminated in the birth of the Canine Dialogue Dynamics method.
It wasn’t just another training regimen; it was a teaching method. A paradigm shift from conventional training to a more empathetic, dialogue-driven approach. An approach that complemented force-free training methods, filling the gaps they left behind. The true testament to its effectiveness? Steve, who once struggled with severe reactivity, transformed under this method. And it wasn’t just Steve; countless clients, who had previously felt the weight of despair with their dogs, found hope and tangible results with Canine Dialogue Dynamics.
Today, I share not just a method, but a story. A story of transformation, understanding, and deep connection. And as you join me on this journey, I hope to transform not just your dog’s behaviour but your connection with them.
Let’s embark on this beautiful dialogue together.
About Canine Ethical Associates
At Canine Ethical Associates, we’re not just another name in the dog world. We are a beacon of change, an emblem of progress, lighting the path towards a more empathetic, understanding, and ethical future in the world of dog companionship. We steadfastly believe in a force-free approach, anchoring our philosophy on the tenet that every interaction with our dogs should be steeped in respect, understanding, and genuine care.
Our mission is clear and unwavering: we’re striving to set the benchmark, to redefine what it means to be involved in dog training, ownership, and overall welfare. For us, teaching dogs transcends the limitations of just training. It’s a dialogue, a two-way communication where both parties grow and evolve. With the creation of our ground-breaking Canine Dialogue Dynamics (CDD) method, we’ve pioneered an avenue to enhance and deepen this dialogue, developing a relationship between dogs and their humans that is built on mutual trust and respect.
At CEA, we champion the idea that each dog is a unique individual. The essence of their spirit, their quirks, their joys, and their fears can’t be slotted into a ‘one-size-fits-all’ methodology. We approach every dog with an open heart and mind, ready to understand their distinct needs and adapt accordingly.
Our influence doesn’t stop at dog parents. We extend our expertise to other canine professionals, developing a community that is well-versed in our ethical stance and methods. Through our meticulously crafted courses, live events, and collaborative initiatives, we are not only spreading our message but also empowering others to join our movement. Our doors are always open for collaboration, especially with other force-free organisations and professionals who share our vision.
In a world where the voice of our dogs often gets lost amidst conflicting training methods and outdated beliefs, Canine Ethical Associates stands tall as a beacon of hope, illuminating a path of understanding, compassion, and genuine dialogue. We’re not just here to make a difference; we’re here to lead the way. Join us on this transformative journey.
ask us
Are You Qualified?
Yes, here are my past and current qualifications.
- PACT and ABTC Accreditation (2018 – 2021)
- Animal behaviour and welfare degree at Merrist wood college, September 2014 – May 2016 Passed
- Animal Management diploma level 3 at Merrist wood college, July 2013 – June 2014 (Passed with Distinction *)
- Basic first aid course March 2014
- Animal care Diploma level 2 at Basingstoke College September 2009 – June 2010 (Passed with a Merit)
- Animal care Fist Diploma at Merrist wood college September 2007 – June 2008 (Passed)
Workshops and Certificates
- Attended “Action Conference” 3-day conference – Psychological trauma in dogs; welfare implications and treatment strategies (2019)
- Completed “The Puppy Lab” The School of Canine Science (2019)
- Dog Aid “Trainer and handler” workshop (2019)
- Veterans With Dogs “PALS 1 AND 2” (2018) and (2019)
- Veterans With Dogs – Continuing Professional development – Effective communication skills and safety (2017)
What experience do you have?
I proudly began my journey as a dog trainer’s assistant for a highly reputable training company in Surrey in 2010, and from there, I went on to thrive in the industry. In 2013, I took my skills to another training company where I continued to achieve great success until 2015. My passion and dedication led me to start my own dog training company, “Barking Up the Right Tree,” in 2017, and I’m happy to say that it has been a success through 2022. Additionally, I was honored to be an approved assistant dog trainer for “Veterans With Dogs and Dog Aid.” My years of experience and hard work have given me the confidence to continue making a lasting impact in the world of dog training.
What dogs have you parented?
I have had the pleasure of sharing my life with a number of wonderful dogs over the years. My first dog, Raffy, was a Golden Retriever who came into my life when I was just 10 years old. He brought me countless years of joy and companionship. Later, I was fortunate enough to share my home with Smash, an English Bulldog who also left a lasting impression on my heart. Sadly, both Raffy and Smash have passed away, but their memories will always be cherished. When I moved in with my in-laws, I had the pleasure of getting to know their three Welsh Terriers, Ted, Betty, and Trevor. They were a lively bunch and brought so much fun and energy to our household. Sadly, we’ve said goodbye to Ted, Betty, and Trevor in recent years, but their memories will never fade. My husband and I rescued two wonderful spaniels, Steve and Dave, who have taught us so much about behaviour and enriched our lives in countless ways. We’ve also had the opportunity to foster Sam, a Romanian rescue, and Joyce, a Golden Retriever, both of whom are now living happily in their forever homes.
What inspired You to develop the CDD method?
After observing the challenges faced by many dog owners and the limitations of training methods, I was inspired to create a method that prioritised understanding, empathy, and communication.